Neighborhood Engagement
Our neighborhood engagement work aims to build a more participatory and resilient neighborhood, and we use several community development tools to do that. The overarching goal of the work is to ultimately Wealth Building in neighborhoods that have traditionally had low wealth as a part of an anti-displacement strategy.
We use art and food in a culturally appropriate way as a tool for engagement in our creative placemaking and place keeping strategies and to get people further involved. We’ve developed an engagement model of neighborhood Platicas (Platica is the Spanish word for “Chats” or “Conversations”), Walking Audits, and Prototyping Workshops to identify community-driven projects. We use this as a part of our community engagement and community organizing strategies, and it serves as an entry for many neighbors into our ongoing work to increase resilience in our neighborhoods.
If you are interested in receiving help in connecting to Financial Opportunities, register here and one of our financial coaches will contact you.
SPONSORSHIP: If you are interested in sponsoring our work around Financial opportunities, Please Click Here to inquire how