HeatReady Neighborhoods

Community action plan

Our community action plan. Someone planting trees.

Executive Summary

Extreme heat is a growing concern for municipalities, schools, businesses, and institutions. Previous research has carefully identified vulnerable neighborhoods by mapping socio-economic, health, and landscape level data to identify where extreme heat problematic locations are. There is limited research on how and what type of community-level resilience efforts are most appropriate, especially in under-resourced neighborhoods. This research aims to create a rubric for tackling extreme heat that optimizes a community’s assets or “heat resource shed” and is developed by community groups, engaged citizens, neighborhood organizations, and community development corporations.

Resumen ejecutivo

El calor extremo es una preocupación creciente para municipios, escuelas, negocios e instituciones. Investigaciones previas han identificado cuidadosamente los vecindarios vulnerables a través del mapeo de datos socioeconómicos, de salud y de nivel de paisaje para identificar dónde se encuentran las ubicaciones problemáticas de calor extremo. Los estudios son limitados en cuanto al cómo y qué tipo de esfuerzos a nivel comunidad son los más apropiados, especialmente en vecindarios de escasos recursos. La meta de esta investigación es crear una rúbrica para enfrentar el calor extremo donde se optimicen los bienes o activos de una comunidad o “almacén de recursos para el calor” y que se desarrolle por parte de grupos comunitarios, ciudadanos comprometidos, organizaciones de vecinos, y asociaciones de desarrollo comunitario.

Showing phase 1 and 2 of the HeatReady Neighborhood feedback loop

Figure 1. HeatReady Neighborhood Feedback Loop

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Read the Full Report.

You can read the RAIL HeatReady Neighborhoods Report by clicking the button below.

  • “My initial reaction is that there needs to be a lot of coordination between government agencies and local activists. In my experience, that is one of the biggest challenges because we are not used to working together.”

    HeatReady Neighborhoods team

Item 1 of 2

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